Riverside Grammar is committed to supporting young people to become resilient, self-actualised individuals, who feel a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. We seek to create a safe, supportive, and collaborative environment for our community to learn and grow together in.
Our Values
Positive self-esteem
Discipline is a cornerstone of self-esteem, nurturing consistency and self-discipline. Learning discipline helps shape the individual’s abilities and their confidence in their own capacities.
Learning to self-reflect, on our actions and on the actions of others, provides us with vital knowledge about what drives us and the world around us. It is an essential tool for self-development, healthy interpersonal relationships, and one’s ability to lead a successful life.
Personal responsibility goes hand in hand with self-esteem, discipline, and self-reflection. Learning to take responsibility for oneself and for one’s actions is a vital life skill.
In alignment with the philosophy of, seeking to understand in order to be understood, at Riverside we encourage open, honest communication and healthy conflict resolution.
Our program provides international travel opportunities and experiences, that support a holistic understanding about the world we live in today; and, how the increasingly interconnected world can enrich our lives more deeply.
Real life learning
At Riverside we believe in real life learning. Through our hands on approach to education, we value experience-based learning rather than a theory centred teaching approach.
We value the role of leadership in our community and in the world at large, and we seek to support young people to develop the skills necessary to take on positions of leadership.
At Riverside, we believe that service is at the heart of leading a meaningful and productive life. We encourage our community to see service to others as one of their greatest motivators, and want to support them to find deep and abiding value in giving and offering service, throughout their lives.
The foundation of all these values is resilience. Teaching the skills, tools, and belief systems that will give young people the strength to overcome the challenges they will face throughout their lives, is a core educational principle at Riverside.